Pigs reared on farms by Producers with the RSPCA Approved certification are housed in groups with a comfortable, dry area to rest with bedding. Pigs a...
Pigs raised in intensive indoor systems (including some sow stall-free) don’t have the ability to express natural behaviours, and the close confinem...
Turkeys reared by Producers on farms with the RSPCA Approved certification are provided with more space and good lighting encouraging them to be activ...
Meat chickens and turkeys raised to the minimum legislative requirements spend their lives in barren, cramped, and dimly lit environments. This causes...
The RSPCA welcomes any measures to tangibly improve the welfare of chickens raised for meat, including the Better Chicken Commitment (BCC). All of the...
Stocking density, or the amount of space that can be utilised by birds, depends on the housing system and is influenced by factors such as bird age an...
The RSPCA Approved standards focus on ensuring meat chickens have a good quality of life and an environment that meets their needs, which includes req...
Beak trimming – the partial removal of the tip of the beak – is sometimes referred to as ‘debeaking’, however at no time is the entire beak re...
In Australia, meat chickens are not kept in cages. Most are raised in large, environmentally-controlled sheds and some also have daytime access to the...
Growth hormones are not fed to meat chickens in Australia. Meat chickens have been selectively bred over many years, to have an increased growth rate ...
Antibiotics are a medication that are used to treat and control infections caused by bacteria. Antibiotics have been routinely used, particularly in i...
The RSPCA Approved standards allow the use of antibiotics to treat disease. As suffering from disease is a poor welfare outcome, it is important to tr...