Animal Welfare

The vision of the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is a future of higher welfare farming. It focuses on improving the quality of life of farmed animals and making higher welfare eggs, meat and fish readily available.

By choosing RSPCA Approved in the supermarket and when dining out, you are supporting farming that cares about animal welfare and is leading to a future of higher welfare farming in Australia.

Choosing RSPCA Approved improves the lives of farm animals.

  1. The RSPCA develops animal welfare standards that go beyond legal requirements and are informed by science and evidence.
  2. Farmers, brands and retailers that want to improve animal welfare on their farms and be recognised for their efforts, apply to join and undergo a rigorous, independent certification process.
  3. Brands that source from certified farms must be able to trace the ingredient that is RSPCA Approved from point of sale right back to the farm.
  4. Customers who care about animal welfare choose products with the RSPCA Approved certification.
  5. Market demand drives more brands to look at gaining RSPCA Approved certification.
  6. More farms join the Scheme, which means more farm animals have a better quality of life.

A future of higher welfare farming starts today, when you choose RSPCA Approved.

The RSPCA Standards are solely focused on improving animal welfare, detailed and informed by evidence.

What this means for animals

  • Meat Chickens Icon

    Meat Chickens

    Chickens on farms with RSPCA Approved certification have space to move, good lighting and quality litter floor covering. Encouraged to be active, birds can perch, dust bathe, peck and forage.

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    • Good indoor environment (because even free-range chickens spend most of their time indoors).
    • Brighter lighting during the day encourages chickens to be active and move about, while periods of complete darkness at night allow them to rest properly.
    • Perches and interesting objects to play with and peck at encourages activity and helps chickens build stronger muscles and bones.
    • Quality, well managed litter for chickens to scratch, peck and dust bathe and improves their leg and foot health.
    RSPCA Standards
  • Pigs Icon


    Pigs on farms with RSPCA Approved certification have room to roam, forage, explore. They also have access to straw bedding for a comfortable, dry area to rest.

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    • Secluded places with quality bedding give sows a comfortable place to rest and build a nest for their young.
    • Space to move freely, so sows can forage, socialise, and wallow.
    • Sheltered housing with quality bedding gives weaned piglets a dry area to rest, play and maintain a comfortable temperature.
    • No painful husbandry procedures, such as teeth clipping, tail docking and surgical castration.
    • Pigs are not kept in cages or crates of any kind.
    RSPCA Standards
  • Layer Hens Icon

    Layer Hens

    Hens on farms with RSPCA Approved certification have space to move. Birds can perch, dust bathe, forage and lay their eggs in secluded a nest.

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    • Safe and enclosed nests for hens to lay their eggs.
    • Perches to help hens feel safe and allow them to rest properly.
    • Quality, well managed litter for hens to scratch, peck and dust bathe to clean and maintain their feathers.
    • Space to move, stretch and flap their wings so hens can socialise with other hens and build stronger bones and muscles.
    • Hens are not kept in cages of any kind.
    RSPCA Standards
  • Turkeys Icon


    Turkeys on farms with RSPCA Approved certification have space to move, good lighting and quality litter floor covering. Encouraged to be active, birds can perch, dust bathe, peck and forage.

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    • Brighter lighting during the day encourages turkeys to be active and move about, while period of complete darkness at night allow them to rest properly.
    • Perches and interesting objects to play with and peck encourages activity which helps turkeys build stronger muscles and bones.
    • Quality, well managed litter for turkeys to scratch, peck and dust bathe and improves their leg and foot health.
    • No painful husbandry procedures, such as toe trimming.
    RSPCA Standards
  • Salmon Icon


    Salmon on farms with RSPCA Approved certification have space to swim effortlessly, can school with other fish, are handled in a low-stress manner and slaughtered humanely.

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    • Good management and husbandry help protect salmon from injury and disease.
    • Good stockpersonship with a focus on low-stress handling and animal welfare.
    • Managing water quality, including appropriate oxygen levels, temperature and stocking densities, so that salmon have an environment in which they can thrive.
    • Lower stocking densities means salmon can swim effortlessly and perform natural schooling behaviours.
    RSPCA Standards
  • Dairy Calves Icon

    Dairy Calves

    Calves on farms with RSPCA Approved certification have space to move, play and socialise. They have a quality and nutritious diet, proper bedding and access to the outdoors from 8 weeks of age.

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    • A nutritious diet, that includes good quality colostrum, prevents calves having mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
    • Feeding is done in a way that encourages suckling and chewing behaviours.
    • Space to move freely with other calves, so they can socialise and play.
    • Sheltered housing with quality bedding gives calves a dry area to rest, play and maintain a comfortable temperature.
    • Access to a paddock.
    • Good stockpersonship with a focus on low-stress handling and animal welfare.
    RSPCA Standards

You can find RSPCA Approved products in both major and independent supermarkets, butchers and many of your favourite eating spots.

Farms undergo up to 4 assessments a year by experienced RSPCA Assessors.


The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme’s vision is a future of higher welfare farming.

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for farmed animals.