This World Egg Day Please Spare a Thought for 11.1 Million Hens Confined in Cages

This Friday 14 October is World Egg Day – so what better time to put hens before their eggs!

Around 16.3 million layer hens are farmed to produce Australia’s eggs – with over 11 million still confined to cages with less space per bird than 1 A4 sized piece of paper.

Caged hens can’t express their natural behaviours, such as foraging or perching, they can’t stretch their wings or lay their eggs in a nest.

Caged hens live a miserable existence.

While it’s good news that demand for more humanely produced eggs are growing, with 1.1 million hens raised in barns and 4.1 million hens now raised on free range farms, World Egg Day is a time to reflect on the vast majority of hens still confined in cages – in unacceptable farming conditions.

World Egg Day is your chance to make a difference to the lives of layer hens.

As a consumer, your shopping list is your voting card and buying humane eggs when shopping can make a difference to the lives of millions of layer hens.

Don’t forget to Choose Wisely when eating out and support businesses that are Good Eggs.

Email your local state agriculture or primary industries Minister.

You have the power to influence what products you see on the supermarket shelf and get hens out of cages, so make a real difference this World Egg Day!

Note: production figures sourced from Australian Egg Corporation Limited.

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