An illustration of assessors with a layer hen perching and a pig in hay

Behind the Scenes: The Vital Role of RSPCA Assessors

RSPCA Approved has an important role in improving the welfare of farm animals through detailed standards for housing and husbandry. We do this by working with producers and industry to raise the bar for farm animal welfare.  But did you know that a team of Assessors helps make this possible, travelling thousands of kilometres each year to assess certified Producers to make sure the standards continue to be met? 

RSPCA Assessors are a crucial part of the program, responsible for assessing farms, abattoirs and procedures to ensure conformance with these standards as part of a multi-layered certification process

Producers with RSPCA Approved certification are assessed two to four times per year, and as a humane death is also important, abattoirs are assessed annually, along with additional unscheduled visits when feasible. These stringent assessments are solely focused on animal welfare, with a team of dedicated RSPCA Assessors completing the regular assessments across the country. In fact, in 2023 the team completed over 1000 assessments, all part of achieving a better quality of life for millions of animals

The role of an Assessor involves detailed and rigorous assessments against each of the requirements in the relevant Standard, which have on average 370 requirements that must be met for a Producer to achieve certification. By documenting their findings, Assessors help maintain the integrity and credibility of the certification, ensuring that only Producers meeting RSPCA’s higher-welfare standards receive certification.  

This assessment is then evaluated by a Certification Coordinator, and if any issues have been raised, they consult with the Assessor and work with the Producer to resolve them. Once the evaluation has been completed, another Certification Coordinator reviews the assessment to make sure that all policies and procedures were followed before making a certification decision.  

The presence of third-party assessments provides reassurance to consumers who are increasingly concerned about the treatment of farm animals. Knowing that a team of dedicated experts has rigorously evaluated the welfare conditions on certified farms can help give consumers confidence that the products they purchase align with their values.  

When consumers purchase products with a farm animal welfare certification, such as RSPCA Approved, this drives demand for higher-welfare products, showing brands what is important to their customers and encourages more farmers to improve their practices. 


One response to “Behind the Scenes: The Vital Role of RSPCA Assessors”

  1. Helen says:

    very impressive and informative, lots of information !

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