The RSPCA Good Egg Awards celebrate medium-large sized companies that are showing leadership by sourcing or switching to cage-free eggs (barn or free-range).
The types of businesses that could be eligible for an RSPCA Good Egg Award include;
+ Retailers (e.g. supermarkets)
+ Manufacturers (e.g. medium/large companies producing biscuits, desserts, pasta etc.)
+ Food service (e.g fast food restaurants, large-scale catering companies)
+ Education/government facilities (e.g. museums, universities, hospitals)
We’d love to hear your suggestions of businesses in the categories above that you think are either;
1. using cage free eggs already
2. would be interested in moving in this direction.
If your university campus has gone cage-free, you notice your mayonnaise or biscuits are using cage-free eggs please let us know. Remember, the products needs to be manufactured in Australia. Encouraging businesses to go cage-free, increases the chance of getting more hens out of cages.
Internationally, there are lots of organisations moving in this direction and we’re encouraging Australian businesses that use eggs produced by layer hens in Australia to include animal welfare as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility, and make the switch to cage-free.
International Good Egg Award winners (including some very well-known brands) say receiving a Good Egg Award and letting hens out of cages has made good business sense, boosted staff morale, improved brand image and reputation, and benefited their bottom line. That’s good for animals and for business.
The RSPCA Good Egg Awards are an opportunity for businesses to make a positive impact on animal welfare and help set the standard for others.
2011 Good Egg Award nominations are open until 30 September 2011.