Welcome to 2016! The New Year brings a new look to our blog which we hope inspires more people to learn about where their food comes from and eat humane.
Eating humane is a new year’s resolution all Australians can keep – and it’s not only good for animals but easy to do …
• Look for RSPCA Approved eggs, pork, chicken and turkey when shopping. If you can’t find an RSPCA Approved product nearby, encourage your local supermarket to stock it.
• Visit Choose Wisely when eating out and support cafes and restaurants that are putting humane food on the menu. Ask your local to sign up and follow us on Instagram @rspcachoosewisely!
Eating humane is possible for all Australians and really does make a difference! With moves from major companies such as Subway and Ikea (both switched in August 2015 to cage free eggs) and Mcdonalds announced they’ll be cage free by 2018 – thanks to you, we’re on the road to a cage free future for hens.
Watch this space for more good things to come in 2016! Remember you can subscribe below for instant updates.