Celebrating World Farm Animal Day

Best known for finding forever homes for pets in need, it often comes as a surprise to learn the RSPCA in Australia was first set up to be a voice for farm animals.

In 1824, the RSPCA was established to address the cruel treatment of cattle and fought for better conditions for animals in abattoirs and for ponies working in coal mines.

These days, the RSPCA is still very much committed to improving the lives of farm animals and in particular our country’s most intensively farmed animals: egg laying hens, chickens, and pigs.

If you combine all of Australia’s hens, meat chickens and pigs, there are more than 670 million of these animals farmed every year. When you consider there is an estimated 24 million pets in Australia, you can see how supporting practices that give farm animals a life worth living is so important for the RSPCA.

World Farm Animal Day is being celebrated on 2 October and we’re grateful for the hugely positive impact that Australian consumers have had on farm animal welfare.

We’re seeing more public interest in how food is produced and growing support for RSPCA Approved products, which is now a popular choice for Australians looking to support a humanely-farmed product. And the best part? By choosing RSPCA Approved in the supermarket and when dining out, more than 1.6 billion farm animals have enjoyed a better life since the scheme began 22 years ago – that’s something to feel good about!

Improved farm animal welfare in Australia has also been delivered by committed farmers who’ve implemented the RSPCA’s standards on their farms.  Meeting the standards is no easy feat and their hard work ensures higher welfare products are readily available for all of us looking for a humanely-farmed product in the supermarket and when dining out.

Want more? 5 restaurants you’ll know and love with RSPCA Approved on the menu

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