The Family-Owned Business Prioritising the Needs of Inquisitive Birds 

Have you ever wondered what it means for a meat chicken to have a better quality of life? The RSPCA Standard for Meat Chickens includes requirements that meet the health and behavioural needs of these inquisitive birds, including while they are outside and indoors where free-range birds head for cover overnight.    

In the hinterland of Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, family-owned Elgin Valley Farms embrace better meat chicken welfare.  The business rears birds in both a free-range environment as well as an enriched barn raised system, both with RSPCA Approved certification.

The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is just one of the ways the RSPCA works to improve meat chicken welfare, by implementing a science-based standard underpinned by a robust certification and regular assessments. Importantly, the Standard goes beyond what is legally required to raise the level of animal welfare. For Elgin Valley Farms to achieve RSPCA Approved certification they have met each of the more than 400 requirements included in the Standard, and to ensure ongoing conformance are assessed 2-4 times a year to retain certification. 

“Elgin Valley Farms is committed to farming our birds to a higher welfare standard and focusing on great supply chain partnerships, the quality and consistency of our products, and our dedication to excellence throughout every phase of production.” 

Elgin Valley Farmers Choice chicken comes from a farm where birds are reared in enriched barns, with perches for improved leg health, dry, friable litter for scratching and dustbathing, and interesting objects to peck at – all things that come naturally to a chicken. Elgin Valley Free Range chicken comes from a farm that provides the birds with access to an outdoor range that’s interesting enough to entice them outside but also protects them from predators with specially developed protective netting and features shaded areas to protect them from the elements. At night these meat chickens have shelter and protection inside a large, enriched barn, which is important as meat chickens will choose to spend most of their time indoors.    

The RSPCA standards exist solely to improve farm animal welfare. They are detailed and focus on providing good housing conditions for animals whether indoor, outdoor or in a combination of both. Crucially, they also provide opportunities for animals to express natural behaviours and in the case of the Standard for Meat chickens, birds are encouraged to be active and must have space to move around and flap their wings.  

Other requirements include:

  • Enriched indoor environments
  • Quality indoor lighting periods, encouraging the birds to be active during the day and rest at night
  • Access to perches which helps keep their bones and muscles strong
  • Dry, friable litter floor covering in which to scratch and dust bathe
  • Shade for protection from the elements when outdoors. 

As individuals, our actions can make a meaningful difference when it comes to improving farm animal welfare.  Purchasing decisions that support businesses like Elgin Valley Farms that prioritise animal welfare, or by choosing higher welfare foods when dining out sends the message that farm animal welfare is important to Australians. 

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