Elgin Valley Farmers Choice

Elgin Valley Farmers Choice chickens are reared on farms certified by RSPCA Approved. These farms conform to over 400 requirements as outlined in the detailed RSPCA Standard for Meat Chickens; each one focused on providing a better quality of life for the birds. For ongoing improvement, the standard is reviewed every 5 years to keep up with modern science and innovation.

These farms rear their birds in enriched barns, with perches for improved leg health, dry, friable litter for scratching and dustbathing, and interesting objects to peck at – all things that come naturally to a chicken. Farms are monitored continuously for air quality and have natural light cycles for the bird’s wellbeing. They are assessed by specially trained RSPCA Assessors two to four times per year to ensure ongoing conformance to the standard.

Elgin Valley Farmers Choice chicken is available at independent supermarkets, BBQ shops and butchers.