Turkeys reared by Producers on farms with the RSPCA Approved certification are provided with more space and good lighting encouraging them to be activ...
The RSPCA welcomes any measures to tangibly improve the welfare of chickens raised for meat, including the Better Chicken Commitment (BCC). All of the...
Stocking density, or the amount of space that can be utilised by birds, depends on the housing system and is influenced by factors such as bird age an...
The RSPCA‘s detailed animal welfare Standard for Meat Chickens goes beyond legal requirements in Australia. The Standard provides producers with a t...
Meat chickens reared on farms by Producers with RSPCA Approved certification are provided with enriched environments that mean they can perch, scratch...
The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is owned and operated by RSPCA Australia. See our Who We Are page for more information on how the Scheme works....
No. Licensing fees received from brands marketing RSPCA Approved product are quarantined and used only to fund the program – they do not fund campai...
The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is a not-for-profit program. Donations to the RSPCA are not used to fund the program. For producers that choose to b...
Producers who have RSPCA Approved certification have farms and abattoirs that are regularly assessed by an RSPCA Assessor to check that they are meeti...
When you see the RSPCA Approved logo on a product in the supermarket or on a menu, you can be sure that the product or ingredient came from a Producer...
The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme is Australia’s leading independent certification program focused on farm animal welfare. We work closely with prod...
The RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme’s vision is a future of higher welfare farming. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for farmed animals. ...