Stunning prior to slaughter is legally required in many countries including Australia. It is intended to cause unconsciousness so that slaughter may b...
Pre-slaughter stunning is standard practice in the of Australian abattoirs producing halal-certified meat, but some halal and all kosher slaughter is ...
The RSPCA believes that humane slaughter is ‘When an animal is either killed instantly or rendered insensible until death ensues, without pain, suff...
The RSPCA Approved standards set specific requirements for the transportation, handling, stunning and slaughter of animals reared for food. In fact, t...
The ways in which animals are slaughtered (killed for food) are different depending on the species. Find out more about the slaughter and killing of f...
The RSPCA’s Standard for meat chickens has a focus on animal welfare which includes a requirement for stunning prior to slaughter. Pre-slaughter stu...